entosiast – future looks brighter with insects
– Raise awareness – Break down reservations – Build up trust – Present innovation –

Insects can sustainably enrich our diet - but how and in what form? And above all: (How) do they taste at all? Answers to these questions and much more will be provided by the "Theme Day on Edible Insects" on May 15 at the Meise Botanical Garden, BE.

entosiast is very happy to join this great event and to meet you there!


While many people around the globe already eat insects on a daily basis, in Europe they have not yet made it onto our plates all that often. Yet they offer many benefits: they are a good source of protein, fiber, beneficial fatty acids and micronutrients. In addition, insects are considered a sustainable protein alternative, as they require less land and water to grow and emit fewer greenhouse gases than, for example, traditional livestock.


Belgian Insect Initiative presents:

The "Belgian Insect Industry Association (BiiF)" invites - together with the "ValuSect”-Consortium, the "Strategic Platform for Insects in Belgium" and the Flemish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - to the Botanical Garden Meise on Sunday, May 15th, to get to know better the great universe of "Edible Insects". During the theme day, visitors can taste various insect-based foods and learn many interesting details about insect farming.


Info on the "Bugs to the Future" theme day

The official program for the theme day can be downloaded here:


Address: Botanical Garden of Meise: Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium

Opening hours: 10.00 - 17.00

The event is free of charge, visitors only pay the entrance ticket to the Botanical Garden



BiiF, the Belgian Insect Industry Federation, is an international branch association that brings together (commercial as well as non-commercial) players from the European edible insect market.


The aim of the ValuSect consortium - as part of the Interreg North-West Europe program - is to strengthen transnational cooperation as well as the benefits from research on insects as resources for food. With an extensive voucher program, ValuSect - short for Valuable inSects - promotes companies from the region that focus on the development of food or feed products based on insects.


The "Strategic Platform for Insects in Belgium", is an interdisciplinary platform on insect breeding for researchers, policy makers and industry representatives. The platform aims to combine the different forces to establish a strong "insect community" in Belgium, with focus on Flanders.

