entosiast – future looks brighter with insects
– Raise awareness – Break down reservations – Build up trust – Present innovation –

Chemutai Crispus Kamuyeke made it to the top 100 at the "Uganda YOUTH IDEAthon" with his project-presentation on "Black Soldier Fly-Farming in the Kapchorwa Region" and thus secured valuable funding.


Congratulations Chemutai Crispus Kamuyeke:
With his presentation on our joint project "Black Soldier Fly-Farming in the Kapchorwa Region", he reached 21st place out of a total of 4,800 competitors at the "Uganda YOUTH IDEAthon"!


As a successful participant who made it into the top 100 of the competition, he was able to secure $5,000 in seed money to raise larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) at Barawa Farm. And that’s not the only gain for the project. In addition to the financial start-up aid, the participants also receive advice from the social association responsible for the project on the further development of their business.


Crispus' success inspires our project: With the start-up capital gained, additional land can be acquired in the community of Kapchorwa and the farm expanded. These are the best prerequisites for taking the rearing and processing of fly larvae to the next level. In addition to appropriate buildings, a second greenhouse for the reproduction of soldier flies is planned. With increasing breeding success, Chris will always have enough fly eggs for the constant production of fly larvae, which are urgently needed in his region as protein-rich feed for pigs and poultry.


The "Uganda YOUTH IDEAthon" is held under the auspices of the "United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)" in Uganda and is organized by the "Association of Student Enterprises (NASE)". The aim of the national competition is to support and promote young Ugandan entrepreneurs in the fields of health, agriculture, tourism and renewable energies, among others, in implementing their ideas.

